Peer-reviewed articles
Gailīte, Elīna, Sanita Reinsone, and Ilze Ļaksa-Timinska. 2024. Promoting Digital Citizen Science for Humanities and Cultural Heritage: Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 12(4): 468–476.
Roberts Darģis, Arturs Znotins, Ilze Auzina, Baiba Saulite, Sanita Reinsone, Raivis Dejus, Antra Klavinska, and Normunds Gruzitis. 2024. - Boosting the Common Voice Corpus for Low-Resource Languages. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 2080–2085, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.
Rikters, Matīss, & Reinsone, Sanita. (2024). Strategic Insights in Human and Large Language Model Tactics at Word Guessing Games. 4th Wordplay: When Language Meets Games @ ACL 2024, arXiv,
Reinsone, Sanita, Laime, Sandis. Latviešu folkloras krātuves digitālais arhīvs izveidošana un attīstības perspektīvas (Digital Archive of Latvian Folklore Development Perspectives), Letonica, No. 47, 2022, 50-69. DOI: 52 10.35539/LTNC.2022.0047.S.R.S.L.52.69
Reinsone, Sanita, Ļaksa-Timinska, Ilze, Matulis, Haralds. Metadatos balstīta dienasgrāmatu teksta korpusa analīze (Metadata Based Analysis of Diary Text Corpus), Letonica, No. 47, 2022, 70-87. DOI: 10.35539/LTNC.2022.0047.S.R.S.L.52.69
Rikters, Matīss, Reinsone, Sanita. How Masterly Are People at Playing with Their Vocabulary? Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, Vol. 10, No.3, 2022, 382-391. DOI: 10.22364/bjmc.2022.10.3.11
Matulis, Haralds, Reinsone, Sanita, Ilze Ļaksa-Timinska. Automatic Detection of Dates in the Corpus of Diaries. DHNB 2022, CEUR-WS Proceedings Vol-3232, ed. by Berglund, K., La Mela, M., Zwart, I., 2022, 334-342.
Pērle-Sīle, Ginta, Reinsone, Sanita. Manuscript Transcription as a Tool for Deep Reading and Teaching of Folklore. DHNB 2022, CEUR-WS Proceedings Vol-3232, ed. by Berglund, K., La Mela, M., Zwart, I., 2022, 390-400.
Reinsone, Sanita, Platonova, Marina, Smirnova, Tatjana, Seņko, Zane. Advancing Academic Discipline of Digital Humanities in Latvia. History of Engineering Sciences and Institutions of Higher Education, No. 6, 2022, 142-154. DOI: 10.7250/HESIHE.2022.008
Reinsone, Sanita, Platonova, Marina, Smirnova, Tatjana, Seņko, Zane. Starpdisciplinārās akadēmiskās jomas digitālās humanitārās zinātnes aizsākumi Latvijā. Inženierzinātņu un augstskolu vēsture, Nr. 6, 2022, 136-148. DOI: 10.7250/IAV.2022.008
Reinsone, Sanita. Searching for Deeper Meanings in Cultural Heritage Crowdsourcing. In A History of Participation in Museums and Archives. Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities, Routledge’s research series Museum and Heritage Studies, edited by Palmyre Pierraux et al., 2020, 186-207.
Sīle, I., Romane E., Reinsone S., Mauriņa B., Tirzite D., Dambrova M., Medicinal plants and their uses recorded in the Archives of Latvian Folklore from the 19th century, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol. 249, 2019, 112378,
Dace Bula, Sanita Reinsone, Rita Treija. Dag Trotzig i Lettland. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 2018, Vol. 141, 9-28.
Reinsone, Sanita. Participatory practices and tradition archives. In Visions and Traditions. Knowledge Production and Tradition Archives, edited by Audun Kjus, Fredrik Skott, Rita Treija, Lauri Harvilahti and Susanne Österlund-Pötzsch. Helsinki: FF Communications, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2018, 279-296.
Reinsone, Sanita. Folklore Study and Research at the University of Latvia. In Folkloristics in the lnterwar Period. Ed. Dace Bula. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Folklore Fellows' Communications, 2017, 100–117.
Sīle I., Reinsone S., Romāne E., Dambrova M. Ārstniecības augi latviešu tautas ticējumos. RSU zinātnisko rakstu krājums, 2017; 233–240.
Reinsone, Sanita. Forbidden and sublime forest landscapes: narrated experiences of Latvian national partisan women after World War II. Cold War History Vol. 16, 2016, 395-416.
Reinsone, Sanita. Folkloras studijas un pētniecība Latvijas Universitātē, Latviešu folkloristika starpkaru periodā, red. Dace Bula. Rīga: Zinātne, 2014, 151-186.
Reinsone, Sanita. Facing the Enemy: The Image of a Chekist in Narratives of Latvian National Partisan Women after World War II. Power and Democracy. XVIII International Congress of Oral History. The Many Voices of Oral History. Communications. Barcelona: University of Barcelona, 2014, 1178–1185.
Reinsone, Sanita. Latgalian Emigrants in Siberia: Contradicting Images, Folklore (Electronic Journal of Folklore) Vol. 58 (2014): 38-62.
Other research-related publications
Toma Tasovac, Laurent Romary, Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, Rahel C. Ackermann, Daniel Alves, Sally Chambers, Mike Cosgrave, Martine Denoyelle, Vicky Garnett, Rita Gautschy, Edward Gray, Vojtěch Malínek, Carmen di Meo, Andrew Perkis, Sanita Reinsone, Nanette Rißler-Pipka, Andrea Scharnhorst, Lorella Viola. The Role of Research Infrastructures in the Research Assessment Reform: A DARIAH Position Paper. 2023.
Chhugani, K., Frolova, A., Salyha, Y., Fiscutean, A., Zlenko, O., Reinsone, S., Wolfsberger, W. W., Ivashchenko, O. v., Maci, M., Dziuba, D., Parkhomenko, A., Bortz, E., Kondrashov, F., Łabaj, P. P., Romero, V., Hlávka, J., Oleksyk, T. K., & Mangul, S. (2022). Remote Opportunities for Scholars in Ukraine. Science, 378(6626), 1285–1286.
Baklāne, Anda, Laime, Sandis, Reinsone, Sanita. Priekšvārds (Foreword). Letonica, No. 47, 2022, 6-11
Mosienko, Valentina, Pelepets, Marina, Reinsone, Sanita, Rose, Michael E. Funding databases for Ukrainian academics. Science. 2022 Jul 29;377(6605):480. doi: 10.1126/science.add9155,
Rose Michael E., Reinsone, Sanita, et al. #ScienceForUkraine: an Initiative to Support the Ukrainian Academic Community. “3 months since Russia’s invasion in Ukraine”, February 26 – May 31, 2022 (June 17, 2022). Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 22-13,
Maryl, Maciej, Ivashchenko, Oleksandra, Reinfelds, Matīss, Reinsone, Sanita, Rose, Michael E. Addressing the Needs of Ukrainian Scholars at Risk, Nature Human Behaviour 6(6), 2022, 10.1038/s41562- 022-01387-7,
Reinsone, Sanita. “Computer Graphics from Sarajevo: Interview with Selma Rizvić,” Blog4Dissent, January 6, 2022.
Reinsone, Sanita. “Hidden Galleries: Interview with James Kapaló,” Blog4Dissent, August 23, 2021.
Baklāne, Anda, Reinsone, Sanita. Virtualization of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Aachen: Center for European Union Research, Vol.2865 (2020), p. 1–4.
Reinsone, Sanita, Daugavietis, Jānis, Baklāne, Anda. Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries – the Fifth Conference. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Aachen: Center for European Union Research, 2020 Vol.2612, 2020, p.1-11.
Angelaki, Georgia, Badzmierowska, Karolina, Brown, David, Chiquet, Vera, Colla, Joris, Finlay-McAlester, Judith, Grabowska, Klaudia, Hannesschläger, Vanessa, Harrower, Natalie, Howat-Maxted, Freja, Ilvanidou, Maria, Kordyzon, Wojciech, Król, Magdalena, Losada Gómez, Antonio Gabriel, Maryl, Maciej, Reinsone, Sanita, Suslova, Natalia, Sweetnam, Mark, Śliwowski, Kamil, & Werla, Marcin. How to Facilitate Cooperation between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions. Guidelines. Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019.
Reinsone, Sanita. The Poetics of Getting Lost in Legends, Stories, and Conversations / Apmaldīšanās poētika teikās, stāstos un sarunās (in Latvian). Riga: LU LFMI, 2017 (peer-reviewed monograph). See at ILFA Publishing
Reinsone, Sanita. Forest Daughters. 12 Women on Their Life at Home, in the Forest, in Prison./ Meža meitas. 12 sievietes par dzīvi mājās, mežā, cietumā (in Latvian. Commented life stories of national partisan women after WWII). Riga: Dienas Grāmata, 2015 (2nd edition 2022). See at goodreads and Dienas Grāmata Publishing House. Forest Daughters was staged at the Valmiera Drama Theatre. Directed by Mārtiņš Eihe. Premiere in January 2018. Read more on
Reinsone, Sanita. Story of Ādams. Life, habits and customs in Mazsalaca parish in the autobiography of Ādams Purmalis ca. 1900 / Ādama stāsts. Mazsalaciešu dzīve, tikumi un ieradumi Ā. Purmaļa autobiogrāfijā 19. un 20. gs. mijā (in Latvian. Commented life story of Latvian peasant Ādams Purmalis (1847-1914)). Rīga: Zinātne, 2008 (2nd edition 2011). See at Zinātne Publishers. Story of Ādams was staged at the Latvian National Theater. Directed by Indra Roga. Premiere in 2011. Read more on
Publications in cultural media
Dzīve pirms lodes (Life before the bullet was fired). DOMUZĪME magazine. 27.04.2022 (review of the book "I'd like to become something... The diaries of Jewish girls. 1934-1941")
Atslēgas vārds 'mīlestība' (Keyword 'love'). SATORI online journal. 14.02.2022 (about love in Latvian folklore)
Pa visu zemi ar lielu prieku danco, dzied un lēkā (All over the land they dance, sing and jump with great joy). SATORI online journal. 22.06.2021 (on traditions of the summer solstice celebration in Latvia)
Purvā manas kājas mirka jeb negatīvu apstākļu kopums (My feet were stuck in the swamp or a set of negative circumstances). SATORI online journal. 22.01.2021 (on perceptions of swamps in Latvian folklore)
Sērgas pieradināšana jeb Visas mūsu nesatikšanās (Taming the Plague or All Our Misencounters). PUNCTUM online magazine. 22.04.2021 (review of Paolo Giordano book "How Contagion Works")
Savas dzīves pierakstīšana (Writing your life). DOMUZĪME magazine. 2018, No. 3., 59-62. (on life writing traditions and creating the Autobiography collection)
Creative works
As a researcher, my professional life is centered around my research work. But during my leisure time, I enjoy writing fiction for children, a hobby that brings me great satisfaction. I have two books published.
Sanita Reinsone (text), Aleksandra Runde (illustrations). Draugi un Kaimiņi. (Friends and Neighbors). Published by Jānis Roze Publishing House, 2024
"Friends and Neighbors" is a captivating coming-of-age story set in a small Latvian town at the beginning of the 1990s. Best friends, two eleven-year-old girls, enjoy spending their free time in a meadow under the branches of a large willow tree – a place they call The Jungle. It serves not only as a fascinating playground but also as a refuge during unbearable times at home. The city officials plan to build a factory right where The Jungle stands. The Jungle must be saved! The rescue mission unfolds not quite as planned, but during it, the friends not only meet their colorful neighbors but also learn much more about themselves.
Aleksandra Runde's illustrations for "Draugi un kaimiņi" vividly capture the essence of the early 1990s with playful lines and expressive characters. Her limited color palette enhances the nostalgic feel, deepening the reader's engagement with the young protagonists' world.
More on Jānis Roze website
Sanita Reinsone (text), Kristīne Jurjāne (illustrations). Kus mul patarei! Kā Igaunijas leļļi bēga uz Latviju. (Kus mul patarei! How Estonian dolls fled to Latvia). Published by Liels un Mazs, 2017
This work was sparked by the conversations I shared with my children during summer sojourns in Northern Vidzeme and trips to Estonia. The book is written as a storyteller's recount of legendary adventures, blending reality and fantasy in a fairy tale manner. The tale unfolds in the magical lands of Estonia and Latvia, where the boundaries between human and toy worlds are blurred. The book playfully subverts the prevalent stereotypes between Latvians and Estonians, weaving in elements of geography, languages, and traditions and introducing the neighbouring country of Estonia as a whimsical "land of toys".
The gorgeous illustrations by Kristīne Jurjāne add an extra layer of excitement and visual delight to the book.